Literature Study: History of Infections and Stunting in Toddlers
Infectious diseases, Stunting, toddlersAbstract
Malnutrition is one of the causes of the low quality of human resources in Indonesia. Malnutrition that occurs chronically can cause not optimal linear growth (stunting) which will have a short-term and long-term impact on the prevalence of stunting in toddlers in Indonesia by 30.8%. Indonesia is included in the third country with the highest prevalence in the Southeast Asian region, with the average prevalence of stunted toddlers in 2005-2017 is 36.4%. The direct and indirect causes of stunting are inadequate nutrient intake and infectious diseases. The goal is to examine how much risk toddlers who have a history of infectious diseases experience stunting. The method used is review literature through google scholar databases for Indonesian journals and overseas journals at the website address. Article searches use the keyword "infectious diseases and stunting" with the timing of the 2015-2021time span. Based on the results of several articles, it was found that infectious diseases in toddlers contribute to an increased risk of stunting by 3-8 times greater than toddlers who do not have a history of infectious diseases. History of infectious diseases in toddlers is a protective factor for stunting so as to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases through environmental health and the provision of clean water in the household can be one of the efforts in preventing stunting in toddlers
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