Review of Completeness of the Partograph Form at Sumber Waras Hospital, Cirebon Regency
Completeness, PartographsAbstract
Partographs are tools used to monitor the progress of labor and assist health workers in making clinical decisions. Partographs begin to be used in the active phase. Information recorded in the partograph includes perinatal conditions (fetal heart rate, head drop during labor) as well as newborn conditions and care (weight, length, action). The partograph sheet should be filled in as a whole. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of completeness partographs in Sumber Waras Hospital Cirebon.
This type of research is quantitative descriptive. The population in this study were all maternity medical records in Sumber Waras Hospital Cirebon in January 2020 as many as 549 patients and sampling using a purposive sampling method as many as 85 birth records. Data analysis was performed using univariate analysis with percentages (frequency distribution).
The results showed that completeness of partographs in Sumber Waras Hospital Cirebon obtained 46 (54.1%) complete partograph forms and 39 (45.9%) incomplete partograph forms.
It is hoped that medical records officers can be more disciplined in filling in partographs, so that it can help health workers in making the right decision when helping with labor
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