Literature Review Relationship of Smoking and Hypertension
Smoking, Hypertension, Non-Communicable DiseaseAbstract
Hypertension according to WHO is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide which is also the most important contributors to heart disease and stroke. Smoking behavior is one of the risk factors for degenerative diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking and the incidence of hypertension. The research design uses a literature study from research results published in 2018-2022. Literature search using a strategy with the keywords cigarettes/smoking and hypertension, using the Google Scholar and ScienceDirect databases with the criteria used, namely the title of the article that discusses the relationship between hypertension and smoking, the availability of full text, the sample used in the article is based on the article to be analyzed, namely patients with hypertension and smoking habits, the year the article was published is a maximum of the last 5 years. The results of the literature from 5 articles illustrate that there is a relationship between smoking and the incidence of hypertension, meaning that the longer the smoking habit is maintained, the higher the risk for hypertension sufferers. It is expected that respondents reduce cigarette consumption to avoid the risk of hypertension.
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