Breast milk is a complex biological fluid and an ideal food for neonates. Neonates born before 37 weeks of gestation are called premature babies. The birth of premature babies is associated with several problems, such as frequent hospital admissions, infections, apnea and others. Low birth weight babies, in this case preterm babies, lose the opportunity to prepare for life outside the uterus which usually occurs in the third trimester. Maternal attachment is formed during the first day postpartum and is the basis of the mother-baby relationship. A mother's perception of her baby is positively influenced when she sees, touches and interacts with her baby. Kangaroo method care is one of the interventions provided to facilitate and keep mother and baby together. PMK has many positive effects on mothers and babies, so it is very important to optimize the implementation of PMK. This research used a one group pre test post test design, sampling using consecutive sampling technique. The results of this research are that there is a difference in the attachment of the mother (maternal attachment) and the baby between before and after the kangaroo method of care for babies with low birth weight and/or babies born prematurely.References
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