LBW, preeklampsia, gemeliAbstract
Neonatal deaths occurred 0-6 days (79.1%). The most common cause of neonatal death in 2021 is Low Birth Weight (LBW) at 34.5%. Infant deaths in Cirebon Regency were caused by LBW (41.1%). (Riskesdas, 2021). The aim of this research is to determine maternal and fetal factors related to the incidence of LBW in Cirebon Regency. This research is a quantitative case control study with a retrospective cohort approach. The research sample was BBL using simple random sampling technique, obtaining 100 respondents. Analysis uses Chi Square and logistic regression. The results of the research on the variable maternal age obtained a p value of 0.046. The hypertension obtained a p value of 0.004. The preeclampsia obtained a p value of 0.002. The anemia obtained a p value of 0.002. The premature obtained a p value of 0.035. The gemelli obtained a p value of 0.024. The parity obtained a p value of 0.168. There are relationship between maternal age, hypertension, preeclampsia, anemia, prematurity and gameliy with the incidence of LBW, while parity has no relationship with the incidence of LBW in Cirebon Regency in 2022
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