Factors Associated With Vaccination Covid-19 In Children Under 12 Year Of Age At The Pratama Dunia Medika Clinik, Cirebon Regency
Childhood, Maternal, Fantor-factor VaccinesAbstract
The new type of coronavirus found to cause COVID-19 disease makes children more susceptible to infection, so it is also important for children under 12 to be vaccinated. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and education levels of parents at the World Medika Primary Clinic in Cirebon Regency in 2023 to the readiness to provide Covid-19 Vaccination. This study used quantitative methods with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was all parents and the sample used was Accidental sampling which included all parents who came to the World Medika Primary Clinic in Cirebon Regency who had 68 children under the age of 12 years. There is a relationship between knowledge (p-0.00), education level (p-0.02) and there is no relationship between parental attitudes (p-0.06) and readiness to give Covid-19 vaccination to children under the age of 12 years with p<0.05. There is a relationship between sufficient knowledge and maternal education, and there is no relationship between attitudes towards unpreparedness for Covid-19 vaccination. This research can be useful for the community, especially for health workers and families as a consideration in administering the covid 19 vaccine for children aged 6-12 years
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