Combination Of 300 Head Up Position And Murotal Therapy On The Sleep Quality Of Ischemic Stroke Patients At Dr Soekardjo RSUD Tasikmalaya
head up, murotal therapy, sleep qualityAbstract
Stroke is a neurological disease that causes death and disability both in the world and in Indonesia. Most stroke patients experience sleep quality problems. Apart from pharmacological management, non-pharmacological management is also carried out to overcome the nursing problem of disturbed sleep patterns in stroke patients, one of which is the provision of a head up position 300 and Al-Quran murotal therapy. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of the combination of providing 30 head up positions0 and Al-Quran Murotal Therapy on the sleep quality of ischemic stroke patients in the Neurology Room at Dr. RSUD. Soekardjo, Tasikmalaya City. Types of research Quasi experiment one group pre test-post test with approachpretest-posttest control group design. Sample technique by method Purposive sampling with a total of 30 respondents. Bivariate analysis results Wilcoxon testwith p = 0.008 (p < 0.05) for the intervention group. The control group p = 0.480 (p > 0.05). The group test is not paired (Mann Whitney) shows a significance value of p = 0.001 (p < 0.05). Position assignment head up 300 and murotal therapy has an effect on improving the sleep quality of ischemic stroke patients.
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