The Relationship Between family support and The Level of depression in adult drug Inmates At Class II A Narcotics Correctional Institusion
familial support systems, Depression, adult inmatesAbstract
Family support significantly contributes to the enhancement of psychological well-being by providing essential encouragement and assistance in navigating life's formidable challenges. Depression, characterized by a persistent mood disorder lasting over four weeks, is marked by a spectrum of behavioral alterations including disruptions in sleep patterns, decreased concentration, irritability, heightened anxiety, diminished enthusiasm, frequent tearfulness, heightened vigilance, pervasive pessimism, feelings of inadequacy, and a persistent anticipation of failure. Examine the correlation between familial support systems and adult inmates convicted of drug-related offenses within Class II A narcotics correctional facilities. The study employed a correlational non-experimental design with a cross-sectional methodology. The target population 237 participants, while the research sample comprised 70 participants meeting the specified criteria. Data collection utilized the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale questionnaire to assess psychological well-being, alongside a questionnaire specifically designed to gauge familial support among inmates. According to the research, 29 respondents (41.4%) reported receiving sufficient familial support, whereas 25 respondents (35.7%) exhibited mild depressive symptoms. The study findings indicate a significant relationship between family support and the level of depression among adult drug inmates in Class II A narcotics correctional facilities, as evidenced by the p-value of 0.000 at a significance level of α=0.05
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