Application Of Music Therapy In Patients With Hearing Hallucinations In The Tanjung Room Of Banjar City Hospital
Hallucinations, Music Therapy, HallucinatoryAbstract
One of the most common symptoms in patients with mental disorders is hallucinations. Hallucinations occur when the perceptual sensory system does not experience stimulation or stimulus from outside. One of the nonpharmacological therapies used to help reduce the frequency of hallucinations is music therapy. This type of relaxation therapy aims to help a person regulate their emotions to become calmer, and can also cure psychological disorders. The purpose of this case study is to find out how music therapy can affect the frequency of hallucinations. The case study method used is a descriptive case study. From the results of the study it was found that music therapy can change the frequency of hallucinations in patients with auditory hallucinations.
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