The Description of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Levels in Lung Tuberculosis Patients with Anti-TB Drug Therapy at Puskesmas Wonorejo
Anti tuberculosis drug, Drug Induced Liver Injury, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase, Lung TBAbstract
Consume the anti tuberculosis drug for long term causes Drug Induced Liver Injury by hepatotoxicity, so that need Gamma Glutamyl Transferase test to help diagnose liver condition. The aim of research is knowing description of lung tuberculosis patients’s GGT at Puskesmas Wonorejo by gender, age, and length of treatment. The method of research is description observational with cross-sectional. Samples used 17 patient's serum of lung TB with anti tuberculosis drug treatment at Puskesmas Wonorejo on July 2023-2 April 2024. GGT levels were above normal in 10 patients (59%), GGT levels were normal in 7 patients (41%). More female patients had GGT levels above normal than men 6 patients (35.3%), highest average GGT level in men 42 U/L. More adult patients had GGT levels above normal 5 patients (29%), highest average GGT level in elderly 45 U/L. More intensive stage patients had GGT levels above normal than advanced stage 7 patients (41%), highest average GGT level in intensive stage 46 U/L. The conclusion is the highest average GGT levels in elderly men with intensive stage.
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