Overview of Potential Interactions of Oral Antihypertensive Drugs (Ace Inhibitors And Angiotensin Receptor Blockers) in Patients Of Heart Hospital Ciawi Bogor
Hypertension, cardiac poly, potential drug interactionsAbstract
Hypertension is called the silent killer. In general, patients with complications will receive more than one drug therapy so that the occurrence of drug interactions occurs. This study aims to look at the data description of patients with antihypertensive therapy and to determine the potential levels of drug interactions that often occur in the cardiac clinic at Ciawi Hospital. This study was conducted retrospectively by observation using secondary data from medical records and patient prescriptions for the period from January to December 2019. The sample taken by purposive sampling method. Data according to the inclusion criteria, 326 samples were evaluated using the drugs.com drug interaction website. The results showed that 51% of the 326 patients receiving antihypertensive therapy were women. The age of patients who received the most antihypertensive therapy was at the age of 56-65 years at 39%. The drugs with the most potential for interaction with the ACEI group were furosemid (24.83%) with moderate potensial and spironolactone (27.57%) with major potensial, while those in the ARB group interacted with spironolactone (17.64%) with major potensial. The highest drug interaction was in the category of the major significance level of 47,26%.
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